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What is Human Design?

The way we think, feel, and act is directly connected to our internal structure.

A Human Design reading offers a logical and pragmatic analysis of your energetic composition. To explain it, I like to use the metaphor of music: imagine we all have the same instruments - guitar, drums, piano, and others. However, each of us plays them differently, creating a unique melody. Through your Bodygraph, you become aware of this inner music, which also represents your unique contribution to life.

This analysis of your unique mechanics explores your natural talents, conditioning, and provides simple guidance on the "when and how" of making decisions, using the wisdom of your body instead of relying on the limitations and measurements of the mind.

Human Design can be seen as a transformative and radical approach that aligns you with the correct geometry of life, However, over time, you realize it is much more than that: it is a profound journey of liberation and surrender to who you truly are, rather than who you think you are.

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"Through the quality of Filipe Latourrette's vision it is possible to reconnect with the person you are and not who you think you are. Human Design offered me the framework to understand the emotional mechanics in which I function. It reminded me of freedom and non-dependence. It taught me how to live right, to listen to the truth of the body and not follow the unstable measures of the mind."

Isabel Crasto - Emotional Generator 1/3


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We are all so different, and each experience is unique and full of nuances.
That's why I invite you to a relaxed conversation about how Human Design can be applied to your life.

Sent. Please wait for my call :)

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Trained and Certified by the International Human Design School

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"do without doing it, 

and everything gets done" 



@ 2025 by Filipe Latourrette 
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